Welcome to web-site of Journal of Computational and Engineering Mathematics!
Periodical includes the following sections:
- Survey Articles,
- Computational Mathematics,
- Engineering Mathematics,
- Short Notes,
- Personalia.
The section «Short Notes» contains reports by postgraduate students and masters in the field of publication.
The section «Personalia» contains biographical articles about outstanding scientists.
The main purpose of publication is the promotion of fundamental and applied mathematical research providing the development of computer technology and solving of actual engineering and technical problems. Articles, devoted to the comprehensive studies of mathematical models, the mathematical methods in engineering practice for the implementation of innovative projects, the solution of applied problems by using the necessary software and advanced capabilities of computers, will have the preference for publication.
The journal publishes original articles about
1) complex research of mathematical models,
2) mathematical methods in engineering practice for the implementation of the innovative projects,
3) solutions of practice problems with using the necessary software and advanced capabilities of computers.
The goal is to accumulate the best Russian and foreign articles on topical for Russia and the world scientific community topics in computer engineering and mathematics engineering.
To provide information platform for leading scientists and practitioners for dialogue and the exchange of results of research and design activity on a broad and effective application of mathematical modeling in engineering practice, and computer technology.
Actively communicate with the scientific community of leading domestic and foreign universities.
To promote the development of international cooperation of SUSU with global scientific and research centers.

Journal was founded in 2014.
Periodicity —quarterly.
Certificate of Registration of Media PI No. FS77-57143 of March 11, 2014, issued by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Communications.
Edition is registered in International Center ISSN, ISSN No. 2313-8106 (Print) and 2413-3574 (online).
Information about the published articles is provided in the Russian Science Citation Index (RISC) regularly in the prescribed form.